beautifying teeth


Smile like a moviestar

Bright teeth make you appear youthful and vital. Those who have beautiful white teeth look attractive. With gentle and professional teeth whitening, we give your teeth a natural and soft white. Contact us for your radiant smile - we will be happy to advise you.

Tooth whitening at the dentist: teeth whitening in good hands.

The best thing about professional whitening is that nowadays almost anyone can have such white teeth in no time. How sure is professional Bleaching at the dentistt is how it works, how much brighter teeth get and how long they stay that way, here is what you will learn.

Teeth whitening based on the color scale

Most people have an average tooth color that is on the scale with A3 referred to as. With the method of teeth whitening, discoloration can be alleviated and can die Color B1 or even brighter be achieved. The color of medical teeth whitening depends on the desired result and other various factors such as the strength of the discoloration. 

On average they are healthy Teeth 7 to 9 shades lighter. The color measurement of tooth whitening is carried out in our practice in Zurich during the treatment with a so-called color scale.
(see photo below)

How long do the teeth stay whiter?

After our experience between two and five years. Whether and how quickly your teeth get a little darker depends on how you eat and what stimulants you consume. If you smoke, drink a lot of tea, coffee, red wine or cola, the brightness does not last as long as if you are “abstinent”.

Is post-lightening a problem?

Not really! The white teeth can be whitened again at any time. This is usually much faster than the first lightening and also costs significantly less. Many patients have their teeth whitened every 1-2 years and thus enjoy their white teeth in the long term.

Lots of people want white teeth and there is a reason for that: It's fun to show them off.

What bleaching methods are there?



Self-application at home with the home bleaching set.



Professionally in the practice by applying the whitening gel.



Professionally in practice with additional light activation.

What does a whitening cost

The costs for professional teeth whitening depend on the desired degree of whitening and the selected bleaching method.

One costs at our location in Zurich stronger lightening of 6 to 8 color nuances with a light-activated power bleaching from the market leader Philips Zoom around CHF 489.


At a adaptable Homebleaching-Aligner the costs are also included CHF 489.-. But the home whitening splints can reused indefinitely become. The refill bleach needed for bleaching costs  CHF 49.- and is enough for approx. 4-6 applications.

A Hollywood smile with white, beautiful teeth just looks good.

Learn more

The costs for professional teeth whitening depend on the desired degree of whitening and the selected bleaching method.

All the common questions about teeth whitening and more about the different methods can be found in this in-depth article:


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