Preserving teeth


Teeth almost like new

With a technique that is minimal invasive we repair your decaying or damaged teeth and gently conserve the actual tooth substance. We can also reconstruct old and grey metal fillings with our newest synthetic fillings and aesthetically match them to the colour of your teeth.


Fillings are needed when a tooth has lost substance. This happens primarily through caries bacteria, which destroy the tooth, but also through strong grinding, acidic foods and drinks and even through incorrect cleaning techniques.

The following applies: The smaller the defect on the tooth, the more likely it is that it can be repaired with a filling.

In the case of very large defects, the tooth often loses so much stability that a volume replacement through a filling is no longer sufficient to stabilize the tooth again in the long term. In other words, in the case of very large defects, an inlay or an onlay (often called a partial crown in the past) is the more durable alternative.


In order to replace the lost substance, we now use state-of-the-art hybrid composites. These are tooth-colored plastics that are filled with the smallest ceramic particles.

Due to these fillers, plastic fillings now only consist of 20-30% from plastic and 70-80% from these small ceramic particles. This has the advantage that the fillings look better, last longer and feel good very quickly after being inserted.

Glass ionomer compomers are also used for semi-permanent fillings. These are also tooth-colored and cheaper than composite fillings. They are particularly suitable for long-term temporary fillings when long-term tooth preservation cannot yet be estimated or for caries therapy on a small budget. Plastic fillings are, depending on their size and care, about 10-20 years, glass ionomer fillings about 5-8 years edge-tight.

We only use branded materials for our filling therapy in each area.


Why is tooth decay the most common dental disease? And why do teeth get holes at all?

Read more about it in this post:


Filling therapy is relatively cheap compared to most other methods of tooth reconstruction. Glass ionomer cement fillings can be made from CHF 160, normal composite fillings from CHF 250.

We would be happy to prepare an individual offer for your situation free of charge and send it to you.

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