Replace teeth


A high value alternative

Due to health or other reasons missing teeth cannot always be replaced with an implant. In these cases our full- and part-ceramic bridges constitute a high value alternative.


Just like implants, bridges are ideally suited to replace missing teeth in a highly aesthetic and fixed manner. Whether an implant or a bridge is more suitable for replacing your missing tooth or your missing teeth, you can also use ours Decision aid tooth gaps (Link) determine.


For a bridge, the teeth adjacent to the tooth gap are circularly reduced and used as bridge abutments for the tooth to be replaced. After an impression of this situation, the dental technician can produce the bridge in the dental laboratory. Usually we can complete a bridge within a week.


A bridge consists either of a high gold metal frame veneered with ceramic or of all-ceramic. Bridges of both materials can hardly be distinguished from a natural tooth when manufactured by an experienced technician


Like all dental work, a bridge is always made to measure for the patient. If, as shown in the picture above, a single tooth is to be replaced, costs between CHF 2990 and CHF 5000 can be expected, depending on the location and material.

Implant or bridge?

You will find decision support here:
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