Preserving teeth


Your child in good hands

Even the little ones should feel safe with us and experience the dentist as a positive experience. We attach great importance to individual and careful support.


Regular checkups and adequate oral hygiene are essential even in childhood in order to avoid dental problems, because caries can also occur in milk and mixed teeth if the teeth are not properly cared for.

We also often see slight inflammation as part of changing teeth or tooth accidents that occur while playing.


Children are not "little adults". It is precisely for this reason that we attach great importance to individual care that is tailored to the child. It is very important to us that our youngest patients come to the dentist with a good feeling and that they can take away many positive impressions.

With a lot of patience and experience, we introduce the children to dentistry in a playful way in a quiet atmosphere and also use all the means available to modern dentistry during treatment to ensure gentle and painless treatment.

During the treatment, children can watch a children's series on the ceiling TV, for example. For children who have had a very bad dental experience and for whom conventional treatment is not possible, we can also perform treatments under a brief general anesthetic.

Tax point value 1.00

For child treatments we grant you a special rate of 1.00 if there is no insurance for the treatment.


Children are not "little adults". It is precisely for this reason that we attach great importance to individual care that is tailored to the child. It is very important to us that our youngest patients come to the dentist with a good feeling and that they can take away many positive impressions.

With a lot of patience and experience, we introduce the children to dentistry in a playful way in a quiet atmosphere and also use all the means available to modern dentistry during treatment to ensure gentle and painless treatment.

With us, children can watch a children's series during the treatment, for example on the ceiling TV. For children who have had a very bad dental experience and for whom conventional treatment is not possible, we can also perform treatments under a brief general anesthetic.


The cost depends on the type of treatment your child needs. We would be happy to make you an individual offer after the initial examination of your child. You can also use our price list for a rough cost orientation.

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