Preserving teeth


Healthy gums for healthy teeth

Gum disease - also called periodontal disease - often ends with receding gums and loosened teeth. Bleeding gums are often one of the first symptoms of gum disease. Thanks to innovative therapy methods and modern techniques, our experienced team can stop this process and you can keep your teeth with timely treatment.

What is periodontal disease / periodontal disease

Periodontal disease is a serious insidious disease that today kills more teeth than caries. More than 30 % people suffer from periodontal disease, which causes treatment costs in the billions across the country. 

Typical course of periodontal disease

The insidious thing about this disease is that it is often painless for a long time and therefore often goes unnoticed by those affected. The symptoms are mostly bad breath, bleeding gums and aesthetic impairments due to receding gums and displaced teeth.

Advanced periodontitis often leads to receding gums and loose teeth. In some cases, periodontal disease also leads to serious general illnesses such as heart attacks, an increased risk of stroke or diabetes.

One thing is certain, the earlier you recognize periodontal disease and treat it professionally, the better the chances of recovery.

Help with periodontal disease

Periodontology deals with the diagnosis and therapy of diseases of the periodontium. Periodontitis or periodontosis refers to inflammatory or degenerative changes in the gums and the tooth-bearing jawbone, which, if left untreated, can lead to premature tooth loss.

Cost of a periodontal treatment

Unfortunately, the question of how much a gum treatment costs cannot be answered across the board. The cost of a gum treatment depends on the number of sessions and the severity of the disease. The average costs are around CHF 1500.

On request, we will be happy to put together a free offer tailored to you.

Here you will find extensive information about the possibilities and limits of modern periodontology:


Here you will find extensive information about the possibilities and limits of modern periodontology:

How we can help you

ZurichDental specializes in the treatment of gum disease. We have several doctors who are specialists in the field. All periodontists in our dental practice strive to integrate the latest treatment options and the most modern technology into our practice. Therefore we can offer our patients the best possible therapy.

After periodontal therapy

After periodontitis therapy, it is important to check the gums and the periodontium regularly. The so-called periodontal recall is of central importance. This is the only way to successfully overcome periodontitis in the long term! The controls are carried out at regular intervals and take place in our practice by appointment. 

Feel free to contact us by phone on 044 215 51 55 or by email at for further information or an appointment.

More information on gingivitis

Inflammation of the gums mainly occurs when the teeth not cleaned regularly and thoroughly. In the case of poor oral hygiene, pathogens and bacteria multiply very quickly, causing the gums to become diseased more quickly. in the mouth there are hundreds of different types of bacteria that are normally part of the natural oral flora and are harmless. However, if the teeth are not regularly cleaned and freed from food residues, pathogens can multiply very quickly.

As a result, the bacteria produce aggressive acids and toxins (poisonous substances) during metabolism. These then penetrate the fine spaces between the teeth and the gums and attack it there. The result is that the immune system reacts with an inflammatory reaction and inflammation of the gums develops. 

But bacteria aren't the only cause of gum disease. If the teeth are not regularly cleared of plaque, they will collect calcium and other Minerals in it. Poor oral hygiene makes the coating harder and then develops into it Tartar. The bacteria can settle in the rough structure of the tartar even better and small gum pockets, also called periodontal disease, develop. 

But be careful: Not only poor oral hygiene can lead to inflammation of the gums, but also excessive brushing of the teeth. If the gums are injured due to excessive pressure with the bristles and an incorrect brushing technique, bacteria settle in the wound and cause inflammation. Therefore, the sensitive gums and the entire periodontium should always be cleaned with great care.

In addition, there are a number of other risk factors that can promote gingivitis (inflammation of the marginal gums caused by bacteria). These include metabolic disorders, diabetes (Diabetes mellitus), Alcohol and nicotine consumption, stress, hormonal changes such as puberty or pregnancy, or a Vitamin C deficiency

There are also certain medications that can promote gum inflammation. Examples of this are drugs against seizures (hydantoin preparations) and high blood pressure. The same applies to drugs with the active ingredient Cyclosporin A. 

It is also possible to take preventive measures in the case of periodontitis. It goes without saying that a prerequisite for healthy teeth is thorough daily cleaning. You can also do the following: 

  • Prophylaxis and dental hygiene with qualified specialists
  • Bacteriological and genetic tests for periodontal diagnosis
  • Gentle photodynamic laser treatment (PDT) for effective decontamination of the gingival pockets
  • Conservative therapy with deep scaling (deep cleaning of the pockets)
  • "Full mouth disinfection" with targeted use of antibiotics
  • Surgical periodontal therapy with GBR / GTR technology and Emdogain® for bone regeneration
  • Treatment of peri-implantitis (inflammation of the bones around implants)
  • Surgical treatment of gum recession (receding gums) and gummy smile as well as other aesthetic corrections of the gums

The most important remedy for gingivitis is daily oral hygiene and thorough tooth brushing. Above all, the bacterial deposits must be removed regularly.

Usually it is enough to brush your teeth twice a day to prevent or heal gum inflammation. Make sure that you clean all tooth surfaces thoroughly and remove plaque.

For your daily teeth cleaning, you should use a toothbrush with softer bristles. This will reduce the risk of further injuring or irritating an already inflamed gum from brushing your teeth. 

In addition, in order to clean the spaces between the teeth, you should Floss or use so-called interdental brushes. Finally, you can gargle with an antibacterial mouth rinse or apply a special ointment. Both curb the growth of bacteria and prevent the spread of periodontal bacteria. Formulations based on hydrogen peroxide prescribed by the dentist are also helpful for periodontal disease and receding gums and provide your gums with optimal protection.

Note: As a preventive measure, it is also advisable to have your dentist clean your teeth at least once a year. With professional teeth cleaning, the dentist also reaches those places in the mouth that you cannot reach with the toothbrush yourself, despite having brushed your teeth properly.

There are some well-known home remedies that can help relieve gum infection and reduce symptoms and inflammation. Examples are: chamomile tea, sagemyrrh and thyme. Own the medicinal plants anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effects and are therefore ideally suited for a quick remedy. 

Another good home remedy for gingivitis is also Apple Cider Vinegar. It is best to mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water. This mixture should be gargled half an hour before brushing your teeth every day. Saliva production is stimulated and an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect is generated. 

Some people who are prone to recurrent gingivitis [see above] use homeopathic treatments for gum inflammation to aid healing. However, the effectiveness of homeopathy has not yet been clearly proven scientifically.

IMPORTANT: Alternative healing methods do not replace classic oral hygiene!

In addition to periodontitis, there are other acute diseases of the gums. These include, for example, abscesses of the gums, which manifest themselves as swelling and reddening and can sometimes be very painful or even purulent. A quick and professional gum treatment should also be carried out with this disease.

So-called necrotizing or ulcerating gum diseases can rarely occur. These usually occur in connection with acute stress or a decreased general condition. In these cases there is pronounced local inflammation of the gums. This local inflammation is extremely painful and in many cases leads to a sudden, extreme bad breath. Typical symptoms for these gum diseases are severely inflamed, bleeding gums, which have whitish areas. This condition requires prompt treatment to relieve pain and prevent inflammation from progressing.

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